E.N.A.’s Racial Equity Statement.

Marin County businesses have historically catered to a predominantly white clientele and staff. The dance industry is rooted in the study of Eurocentric movement. People of color tend to only get hired for token cultural roles. Rarely are we hired to teach classes in other genres and areas of expertise. Elite Naach Academy hopes to break this stigma by cultivating a culturally diverse team to teach movement across all genres, providing a well-rounded dance education based in historical accuracy and authenticity. 

We promise to address the racial segregation in the Marin County landscape, make our programs more accessible to the marginalized community, and promote the beautiful diversity of global movement. Through our community outreach program, Step Together, we aim to create partnerships with the under-represented and raise awareness and funds for critical social issues.

Our team welcomes your feedback and participation in working towards a more equitable future. We pledge to fully integrate race equity into every aspect of our operations and programs and work toward the dismantling of structural racism wherever we encounter it.